Archive for October, 2012

I know the original concept of the United Nations but, I have to say that it really accomplishes NOTHING! We support a major portion of the UN but, it is only a facad of countries who don’t want war to end! So many little dictators with tiny manhoods use it as a shield. If the UN functioned as it was intended there would be NO dictators or HUMAN BEINGS dying for nothing but to keep these fools rich! WHY? Is the human race that corrupt that personal greed takes command over ALL? How many people have to suffer and die before a revolution around the world fires and eliminates ALL of these A’holes? What is the human race waiting for? Let’s ALL get pissed off enough to eliminate them and their evil ways. Why should people in 2012 live in sewage ditches anywhere in the world? Could you imagine what accomplishments could be done if the entire world got along? Let’s worry about our only home in the solar system before either we kill off the human race or destroy our only home! An alien race would think us a nasty virus and eliminate us so our stupid ways don’t infect the universe! It’s not inconcievable! Sre a total revolution would cost lives but that’s better than total annihlation!

Our so called Democratic Society is just Jam Packed with common thieves! Once gain we get to watch as someone who worked in a PUBLIC TRUST type job got caught stealing from HONEST citizens of the town of Scranton, Pa. Now once again are we going to get to watch the JUDGE in this case slap her wrist and make her promise to pay it back? She VIOLATED PUBLIC TRUST! ALLher assets should be confiscated till the bill is paid back as well as a serious JAIL sentence should apply. Should we strip citizenship away also? Oh wait, I get it, feel sorry for her right? When is our society going to seriously CRACK DOWN on this crap? Oh, that’s right, I should feel sorry for her. WRONG! How many public officials were caught this year alone?  I know it was at least 30 people! If they declare bankruptcy they get away with it? The criminals get to live on and pay nothing back or even pay for violating the trust of the public. What’s wrong with this? Our FORGIVING society? Why do WE as a society just keep taking it over and over? As a society we are TOO forgiving and we ALL pay the consequences in the end.