Archive for the ‘American Greed’ Category

 How about a woman who lies about being in the twin towers when they came down just for sympathy? Maybe a woman who drowns her kids in a car because she is not happy about her life? And the list goes on and on. This is not to say that there may also be some men over the years that do the same s*** but, the overwhelming majority of reports seem to indicate that It’s a woman issue! What is up with this? DON’T TELL ME TO FEEL SORRY FOR THEM EITHER!  I recently really became aware of this issue when it sorta struck close to home. My wife has had a terrible time dealing with with 4th stage Cervical cancer over the past 3 1/2 yrs and it came to my attention that a person she knows actually shaved her head and lied about having Cancer. I have been taking care of my wife all this time and I know what it can do to you! Why would someone lie about it? I can tell you this I refuse to let this person back into our lives after this revelation. Did she do it because she didn’t feel loved so she made it an attention getter? A good man gives a woman whatever she wants so he can enjoy her as well. Men put them on pedestals just so it can go to their heads and seemingly get away with whatever they want? Women don’t seem to have a problem creating havoc in men’s lives just because they are women and they know they will be back selling their souls for that toy of theirs. I personally think that their is an overwhelming majority of sick women out there that are willing to do this. I know that I can’t trust someone like this and have eliminated them from my life because they can’t be trusted. It’s no wonder that men are shying away from relationships with women and turning gay! It’s not worth putting up with women’s drama!!       

In the 58 yrs I’ve been around I have been watching the american people and I think that they are losing ALL sense of REALITY! I feel sorry for the people that believe ANYONE should own an assault weapon, because our constitutional rights guarantee it, and they are only used as hunting weapons they are sadly mistaken. Being a Vietnam vet I know they are only designed for the use of hunting HUMANS. Our background checks fall seriously short when evaluating whether or not someone should be allowed to even own a weapon! I have 2 people below me in this apartment building, with documented mental issues, and they are allowed to own pistols! I feel I need to put armor plating on my floor to protect me. They have semi-automatic handguns, with a round IN the chamber on the dining room table daily! Documented MENTAL issues? Really? I would rather count on our ALL VOLUNTEER FORCE and the capabilities the U.S. has to keep ALL of us safe! I have NO problems with personal security weapons, but only to those without mental issues! PLUS people who allow their weapons to be stolen should ALSO be prosecuted! And, I could fix the murder ate by taking absolutely guilty people and letting the victims family break 1 bone each month televised! No doctor, 1 bone per month. Let pending criminals watch that and see if the murder rate goes down! 

Next issue: We (The U.S.) has an overabundance of “THIEVES” in it! I have lost count of all the cases of theft from the “PEOPLE” of the U.S.. I’m tired of the slap on the wrist that they get. Restitution is a joke and Jail won’t fix it either. What’s the answer? Deport them to where their ancestors came from because the good people of the U.S. don’t want them? The Economy? No because all of the corporate people make millions off the poor peoples backs. Why not create a limit for the privilege of living and earning in the best country in the world? The president makes 440,000$ per year, Could you live on that salary? How about no one gets to keep more than 440,000$ per year and contributes the rest to the benefit of the best country in the world! The worst slums in the U.S. (Washington DC or Appalachia) wouldn’t exist!

 We should fix our foreign oil dependency as well as use our highly intelligent minds to branch out to other resources. We should create new modes of transportation not dependent on oil! Greed stopped development didn’t it? ALL of you know this!

  Next issue- Our society has lost sight of REALITY! people are more worried about people talking  about them and how we (Americans) perceive obese, gays,CD’s and all the other categories there are out there! big IS BEAUTIFUL, gay IS OK!. really? If I had to go to war again I do not want a woman or a gay in a foxhole and have to depend on them. I have to watch what I say and defend them to the hilt! Count on them not to RUN?

Next issue: Monitoring our phones and stuff! It is a good practice because we can catch the idiots in our midst before anyone gets killed for a misguided belief. If you aren’t doing shit like that then the only issue is what is the info being used for? Legislation can fix that. I’m doing whatever I want and as long as I live by the rules who cares?  I want a RECALL election on ALL members of Congress, The House and the Senate. The past years there has been nothing but kicking the can down the road about the budget. How many trillion dollar weapons platforms do we really need?

That’s just a sample of the reforms I would do to make this country great again! I couldn’t make everyone happy but that’s what democracy is! If nothing continues to get done the UNITED STATES will fail fairly soon!


  It struck me the other day just how many times I do not see our flag flying at full staff! What is up with that? I can understand honoring a fallen U.S. Citizen who became a major contributor to the human race but what is going on today? Your decisions rid the world of evil yes! Your decisions that saved something minor no. Do all humans suffer the ills of vanity? Most of us are peons. We want to think that “I can make a difference” when w/o someone else we are mute. Where I am going with this is when there is a school shooting let’s morn the dead but play “Civil Rights” with an absolutely known killer? (OJ Simpson) When will society stand up and rid ourselves of the bad apples in our race. If we don’t rime will continue to rise and we’ll just keep askin y. And I should feel sorry for those who do the crimes? Not in my lifetime. All of the family of the victim should be allowed to break a bone per month televised. I bet the murder rate would drop drammatically! I’m really tired of the overabundance of A@@H**** that the human race has. 

Our so called Democratic Society is just Jam Packed with common thieves! Once gain we get to watch as someone who worked in a PUBLIC TRUST type job got caught stealing from HONEST citizens of the town of Scranton, Pa. Now once again are we going to get to watch the JUDGE in this case slap her wrist and make her promise to pay it back? She VIOLATED PUBLIC TRUST! ALLher assets should be confiscated till the bill is paid back as well as a serious JAIL sentence should apply. Should we strip citizenship away also? Oh wait, I get it, feel sorry for her right? When is our society going to seriously CRACK DOWN on this crap? Oh, that’s right, I should feel sorry for her. WRONG! How many public officials were caught this year alone?  I know it was at least 30 people! If they declare bankruptcy they get away with it? The criminals get to live on and pay nothing back or even pay for violating the trust of the public. What’s wrong with this? Our FORGIVING society? Why do WE as a society just keep taking it over and over? As a society we are TOO forgiving and we ALL pay the consequences in the end.