Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

  It struck me the other day just how many times I do not see our flag flying at full staff! What is up with that? I can understand honoring a fallen U.S. Citizen who became a major contributor to the human race but what is going on today? Your decisions rid the world of evil yes! Your decisions that saved something minor no. Do all humans suffer the ills of vanity? Most of us are peons. We want to think that “I can make a difference” when w/o someone else we are mute. Where I am going with this is when there is a school shooting let’s morn the dead but play “Civil Rights” with an absolutely known killer? (OJ Simpson) When will society stand up and rid ourselves of the bad apples in our race. If we don’t rime will continue to rise and we’ll just keep askin y. And I should feel sorry for those who do the crimes? Not in my lifetime. All of the family of the victim should be allowed to break a bone per month televised. I bet the murder rate would drop drammatically! I’m really tired of the overabundance of A@@H**** that the human race has. 

 A recent story I heard on the news about kids trashing a football players vacation home got my dander up. Kids apparently broke into another persons home and virtually destroyed partying. The really intelligent thing these ***#####’s did was to post their destruction on the net for ALL to see. The owner of the home saw this and posted their names on the web as well. I’m hearing that the homeowner may not re-coup any damages from these brilliant tykes and now the parents want to sue the homeowner for putting it out there! “It may affect their lives adversly! REALLY?  Only 1 kid showed up to fix anything of the damage all of the kids created! What the ****? Is this what parenting in our society has become today? If it wasn’t bad enough that the economy having caused both parents to work just to make ends meet, the results should be abundantly clear! Parents don’t want to take the time to do childrearing properly. “Get out of my sight, Leave me alone, Go away, Go play with your friends” are some of the things said due to the parents believing that they get time off from parenting “cause I worked today!”. Wake up people! Parenting is the hardest job that you will EVER have. Parenting done right will prevent stupid things like this from ever happening. If you don’t want to be a good parent then please wear condoms or take birth control pills! If you intend to have kids then take parenting classes cause you apparently don’t know how to be a good parent! Or maybe this football player (and this is only 1 example of 1000’s of episodes) should take the parents of the kids who participated in this episode to court and sue equally for the cost of repairs! OR even be jailed for not being a good parent!

  Does anyone remember the story of the kids who killed a person just to see what it felt like? How bout the spoiled brat that destroys your home cause you said “NO!”? REALLY?         

Our so called Democratic Society is just Jam Packed with common thieves! Once gain we get to watch as someone who worked in a PUBLIC TRUST type job got caught stealing from HONEST citizens of the town of Scranton, Pa. Now once again are we going to get to watch the JUDGE in this case slap her wrist and make her promise to pay it back? She VIOLATED PUBLIC TRUST! ALLher assets should be confiscated till the bill is paid back as well as a serious JAIL sentence should apply. Should we strip citizenship away also? Oh wait, I get it, feel sorry for her right? When is our society going to seriously CRACK DOWN on this crap? Oh, that’s right, I should feel sorry for her. WRONG! How many public officials were caught this year alone?  I know it was at least 30 people! If they declare bankruptcy they get away with it? The criminals get to live on and pay nothing back or even pay for violating the trust of the public. What’s wrong with this? Our FORGIVING society? Why do WE as a society just keep taking it over and over? As a society we are TOO forgiving and we ALL pay the consequences in the end.

Yeah, I realized today that  I need an ASSAULT rifle just so my ego feels better! Absolutely. The weapons
were designed with nothing else but maximum killing power of many people in
mind. I AM a veteran of Vietnam and just can not understand the reasoning behind
some JERKS need an assualt rifle. Personal protection does NOT mean maximum
firepower with the intention of killing as many people as I can. Is OUR
society THAT ignorant? It’s bad enough people can get weapons even though they
have mental issues (see my previous post), but why give the other nuts the power
to use a weapon with a Banana clip (22 rounds) when it is NOT a requirement to
prove you have B****! Our society is so F’d up and all they do is cry and whine
about the things these people do. Yes it’s true that people kill people, but why
do we let THEM have the tools to do it? Yes I also understand the RIGHT to bear
arms, but weren’t the founding fathers talking about protecting the Union in a
time when the Continental army couldn’t do it? Today, a hunting rifle (or
shotgun) and a personal protection firearm (pistol) may be ALL that’s required.
Let’s also tie in absolute medical  qualifications, no mental illness topping
the list. Serious JAIL time for ANYONE who let’s their weapon out of their
control at ANY time! Is our Society that stupid?